Rubbish dumping costs us all

18 March  2024

There has been an increasing number of instances where rubbish is being dumped on the side of the road in our district. This is unacceptable and it’s important to report activities like this in our area if we witness them. This kind of behaviour is frustrating, costly, and not fair on our communities.

If you have any information about the rubbish dumped in this picture, which was found on Pukewhai Road, Pahiatua, or if you saw it being dumped, please contact Council.

Rubbish Dumping

If you observe any such incidents, please call the Police at 105. Together let’s keep the Tararua district beautiful. To report vandalised public facilities or rubbish dumping, you can use the Antenno App or call Council. Our lines are open 24/7.

Did you know ?
Last year 71 abandoned vehicles were dumped and removed by Council. The tow costs were ± $30,000.
135 complaints of illegal rubbish dumping were received by Council. Removal costs were ± $40,000