
Antenno is free to download and sends you Council related notifications.

Some of the alerts we will send you will be about, major water outages, road closures and any other emergency information.

Antenno allows you to report issues to Council

You can use Antenno to report issues to Council. The app will ask for a few of your details e.g. location, name and number that is in case we need any more information from you to resolve the issue.

You can download Antenno from the App Store or Google Play Store

The app is free to download and simple to use.

Download the app now:

App Store (for Apple devices)

Google Play (for Android devices)

Getting Started on Antenno

Antenno FAQs

This page contains Frequently Asked Questions about using the Antenno app.

Antenno uses Datascape in its security. This is ISO27001 certified .

Antenno does not  capture personal data unless the user reports an issue to council, in which case the user  is asked to provide their name and phone number as mandatory fields and their email address as an optional field.  This data is stored on Antenno only  for the time it takes to successfully  submit  a report to council, at which point it is then  removed.  There is no long-term storage of this information on Antenno's servers.

No, but your report will confirm it has been sent and you will receive a reference number.  If you need to contact us later about your report then call Customer Services and quote the reference number.

If your report is not urgent, simply send your report on Antenno and it will be actioned the next working day from 8am.

If it is an urgent matter that needs attention immediately you will need to call 06 374 4080 (North) or 06 376 0110 (South) and it will be addressed by our after-hours service.

If it is of a criminal or life-threatening nature, then you should dial 111 for the emergency services.

The aim of Antenno is to provide relevant information for the places you care about.

It is unlikely that someone living in Ormondville needs to receive posts about a change to recycling collection hours in Eketāhuna for example.

If your place was listed as the "Tararua Distirict", your Antenno posts would be difficult and time consuming for you to find the messages relevant to you.  For that reason selecting 'your places' such as your  home or work address will filter the posts to matters that affect your places.

If something comes up that affects the entire region or ward (such as a weather warning, for example), you will still receive a notification.

Yes, you can.  For example, if you don't have a dog then you might wish to choose opting out of notifications about dog registration.

To opt out of a topic that doesn't interest you use simply open the post, then use the settings button on the top right of your Antenno screen. You will be given several options to choose from, including "Never send me this topic".

Not at the present time but Antenno are planning a future update to allow this.

No, this is not possible at the moment but you can tap on the  heart which sends us a thanks.  Antenno are planning a future update that  will allow responses  to our posts

Yes you can, simply tap on  "Share" and you can share our posts to the people you want to

The app requires either mobile data or  a wi-fi  connection to receive posts.  If you have no  coverage  or  wi-fi connection  you  won't receive  our posts until you  are connected again

Sort of.  If you have an issue or feedback you'd like to send to Council use the  Reports function to send us a report; just select the "Feedback and Ideas" option

It's most likely because no posts relevant to your places have been posted.  Don't worry though, as soon as something relevant to your places occurs, Antenno will let you know

When  Council has a message to send we assess which parts of the district would find  the message relevant, for example:

  • A long closure on SH2 would be sent to the whole district while a temporary closure of a  smaller, local road may only be relevant to residents of that area
  • A public meeting for Pongaroa residents would only be sent to people who have Pongaroa as one of their saved places
  • An urban kerbside recycling update for the east side of Pahiatua's Main Street would be sent only to properties falling within that  area
  • This is very cool - our staff can draw a shape on our software and only the  Antenno users registered inside that shape will receive a notice.  Our Staff  have the ability to send a message to a single street or even a single property

The simplest way for you to register your place is to find the nearest address that does appear in Antenno or just use your street name rather than a specific address.

Antenno uses Google as the source for its address data. This means that when Google Maps is updated with a newly created property address, the address will, later, appear in Antenno. Antenno works by sending notifications to whichever parts of the district are relevant for that particular information.

So, if  you moved into a sub-division and  your  address is not showing now, it will show up once Google Maps has completed an update, however, this could be a number of weeks or months so  the nearest street name is the best option for you.