Recycling Services
Kerbside Recycling
Urban Kerbside Recycling Service
Kerbside recycling is collected weekly as of 1 July 2022 and is available in Dannevirke, Eketāhuna, Pahiatua and Woodville.
Glass and recycling are collected on alternate weeks. Please refer to the Kerbside Collection Day Calendar below for information on what bin goes out each week. Please place bins at the kerbside by 7:30am on the day of collection.
Kerbside Collection Calendar 2025
Collection days:
- Dannevirke:
- North Zone: Monday
- South Zone: Tuesday
- Pahiatua: Wednesday
- Eketāhuna: Thursday - Waitangi Day - Normal Collection
- Woodville: Thursday
Public Holidays:
Collections will occur as scheduled on most public holidays. The night before each collection residents will receive a notification on our Antenno App (if downloaded) that the collection is taking place.
Disruptions to scheduled collection timings:
In the event a collection will not take place, as scheduled, at any time, including public holidays, our Facebook page ( ), and an Antenno notification will let you know what collection is affected and when your recycling should be put out next.
How do I know if I can get this service?
This recycling service is available to all urban ratepayers in Dannevirke, Eketāhuna, Pahiatua and Woodville. We understand that a lot of our residents will not instantly know what an “urban ratepayer” is and therefore we have created a general map that outlines the urban zones.
Dannevirke Urban Recycling Service Map
Eketahuna Urban Recycling Service Map
Woodville Urban Recycling Service Map
Pahiatua Urban Recycling Service Map
If you believe you are in the urban zone and do not have bins, please get in contact with our customer services team on 06 374 4080 or 06 376 0110, use the Report It function on this website, or send us a message on the Antenno app.
What goes in my bins?
Your 240L recycling bin is perfect for all your type 1, 2 and 5 plastics, paper, carboard, tin and aluminium cans.
Your 45L crate is perfect for recycling glass bottles and jars that you aren’t going to re-purpose or reuse.
Download "What can I put into my bin"
Other helpful Information
- Please ensure it is right on the kerbside and visible for our teams, so you don’t get missed.
- Please ensure all items are rinsed/washed clean.
- To ensure your recycling is able to be processed, it is important you ensure the correct recycling is in your bin. The yellow lidded bin is for plastics (1, 2 and 5), rinsed cans, cardboard and tin. The black crate is for the clean, whole glass.
- Flatten your cardboard before placing it in the yellow-lidded bin.
- If your bin is contaminated with non-recyclables it will not be picked up. Contaminants include polystyrene, cling wrap, broken glass or ceramics.
- These bins belong to the property. Please don’t take them with you when you move.
Kerbside Recycling FAQ's
Yes, you can opt out of this service however the rates expense will not be deducted from your rates.
Please contact us by phone or email and let our team know your address and the reason you are opting out:
06 374 4080 or
When the bins were delivered, we included an information pack to make things easy to understand. You will find the calendar and information booklet below:
Dannevirke Information Booklet
TDC will only provide 1 x 240L Recycle Bin & 1 x 45L Glass Crate per Rateable Property – For any Properties that produce excess volumes of Recycling, they will need to either utilise our Drop off Centre Bins in each Town OR engage a private contractor.
The improved recycling services will be funded by a combination of rates for urban properties receiving these services and through Central Government's waste levy.
On your recycling days, please make sure your wheelie bin or glass crate are out on the kerbside by 7.30am with the Tararua District Council logo facing the road. Your wheelie bin or crate should be at least one bin space away from all other wheelie bins or objects such as trees or light poles to allow the recycling truck to lift it safely.
The recycling wheelie bin and glass crate are owned by Council, but belong to your property. If moving from the property, please leave the crate and recycling wheelie bin for the new occupants.
Community Recycling Centres
The Tararua District has ten community recycling centres, the locations are as follows:
- Ākitio: at the camping ground - Google Map
- Dannevirke: at the Transfer Station, Easton Street - Google Map
- Eketāhuna: behind the Service Centre, corner of Wilson Lane & Bridge Street - Google Map
- Herbertville: at the Tautane Road intersection - Google Map
- Norsewood: on Odin Street, alongside the Crown Hotel - Google Map
- Ormondville: at the Community Hall - Google Map
- Pahiatua: on the corner of Queen and Tudor Streets (Please note the recycling centre is operated as an unstaffed 24/7 facility- Google Map
- Pongaroa: in the Community Hall carpark - Google Map
- Weber: at the Weber Hall - Google Map
- Woodville: at the Community Centre carpark, Ross Street - Google Map
If you have any queries regarding recycling, or any other solid waste matters, please call our Customer Service team on 06 374 4080 or 06 376 0110.
What Can I Recycle at a Community Recycling Centre?
Note: The below list is for community recycling centres only.
- Please rinse and squash all containers
- Remove lids on all bottles and containers
- Containers should be no larger than 4 litres
Yes, you can recycle the following:
- Newspapers, magazines, junk mail, brochures
- Cardboard and non-foil wrapping paper
- Dry food packages – e.g. flattened cereal boxes
- Telephone directories
- Writing paper, and envelopes (including those with windows)
- Egg cartons
- Hard Plastics - Type 1, 2, & 5 plastics (look for the recycling symbol, usually at the bottom of the container)
- Plastic milk bottles, soft drink bottles
- Plastic shampoo/conditioner, household cleaner bottles
- Yoghurt pots, margarine tubs, ice-cream containers
- Clear plastic takeaway food containers
- Drink cans – aluminium and steel
- Steel and tin cans
- Glass bottles and jars
Please don't recycle the following:
- Household rubbish, food waste, garden waste
- Polystyrene – including meat trays
- Plastic bags, cling wrap
- Soft plastics (see below)
- Painted or wax paper
- Disposable nappies
- Hot ashes, garden waste
- Seedling or plant pots
- Drinking glasses
- Pyrex cookware
- Window or windscreen glass
- Mirrors, frosted or crystal glass
- Light bulbs
- Ceramics, crockery, porcelain
- All types of batteries
- Pots and pans
- Plastic cutlery and plates
- Old clothes, shoes
- Electronic and electrical items
- Printer and toner cartridges
- Toys, buckets or baskets
- Rope, string or plastic strapping
- CDs and CD cases
- Bubble wrap or shrink wrap
- Paint tins, fuel oil containers
- Containers/bottles larger than 4 litres
- Shellfish and fish waste
- Hazardous waste and chemicals and other toxic material
- Medical waste
- Building waste
Anything that can easily be scrunched up in your hand, such as:
- Food wrap
- Bread bags
- Wrapping (such as from toilet paper and muesli bars)
- Chip packets
- Frozen vegetable packaging
- Shopping bags
- Biscuit packaging
Plastic that WILL be accepted at our recycling centres:
(Look for recycling symbol and number, which is usually at the bottom of container)
- Type 1 - water, juice and soft drinks
- Type 2 - milk shampoo and cleaning product bottles and containers
- Type 5 - takeaway meal containers, yoghurt and ice-cream containers.
Plastic that WILL NOT be accepted at our recycling centres:
- Type 4 - soft plastics such as plastic bags, bread and produce bags, six-pack rings
- Type 3 - clear food packaging, certain biscuit trays and coffee cup lids
- Type 6 - disposable cutlery, plates, some meat trays and styrofoam products
- Type 7 - other plastics or combined materials used for toys. Tetra-pak cartons e.g. long life milk, fruit juice, soups and sauces
- Plastics with no recycling symbol, or that have a recycling symbol with no number are also not accepted at our recycling centres
That is when non-recyclable materials (plastic bags, etc) are put into the recycling bins, or when recyclable materials are put into the wrong bin.
The recycling will become impossible and it will be sent to the landfill, even though some items could be recycled. Besides harming the environment too many wrong items in a load of recycling could also result in an increased cost of service.