Forms & Applications

This page lists all forms on the website. Currently this content is only available in portable document format (pdf). If you need alternative access to the content please contact us.

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Alcohol Licensing

Building Compliance & Planning Certificate Application - PDF file (61.7 KB)

Building Evacuation Scheme Declaration - PDF file (461.2 KB)

Club Licence Application or Renewal (Form 5) - PDF file (122.3 KB)

Club Licence Public Notice (Form 7) - PDF file (166.9 KB)

Gambling Venue Consent Application - PDF file (251.4 KB)

Managers Certificate Application (Form 17) - PDF file (426.7 KB)

Managers Certificate Checklist (Form 26) - PDF file (401.7 KB)

Managers Certificate Renewal (Form 19) - PDF file (525.0 KB)

Managers Certificate Renewal Questionnaire - PDF file (273.1 KB)

Managers Certificate Variation or Cancellation (Form 23) - PDF file (105.4 KB)

Notice of Management Change - PDF file (499.9 KB)

Off-Licence Application or Renewal (Form 4) - PDF file (125.5 KB)

Off-Licence Public Notice (Form 7) - PDF file (167.0 KB)

On-Licence Application or Renewal (Form 3) - PDF file (132.6 KB)

On-Licence Public Notice (Form 7) - PDF file (166.8 KB)

Special Licence Application (Form 6) - PDF file (533.8 KB)

Temporary Authority Application (Form 16) - PDF file (214.0 KB)

Variation or Cancellation of Licence (Form 21) - PDF file (106.2 KB)

Variation or Cancellation of Licence Conditions (Form 14) - PDF file (63.0 KB)

Animal Control

Animal Bylaw Permit Application - PDF file (469.9 KB)

Application to Register a Dog - PDF file (274.6 KB)

Barking Dog Collar Hire Agreement - PDF file (207.4 KB)

Beekeeping Registration - PDF file (external)

Cat Trap Hire Agreement - PDF file (644.0 KB)

Dog Details Update Form 2023-24.docx - DOCX file (239.0 KB)

Dog Registration Details Update - PDF file (525.4 KB)

Selected Owner / Multi Dog Application - PDF file (3.9 MB)

Working Dog Inspection Application - PDF file (272.0 KB)


Amendment to Building Consent Application - PDF file (75.4 KB)

Building Consent Application (Form 2) - PDF file (external)

Building Consent | Time Extension Application - PDF file (external)

Certificate for Public Use Application (Form 15) - PDF file (external)

Certificate of Acceptance Application (Form 8) - PDF file (external)

Certificate of Design Work (Form 2A) - PDF file (external)

Code Compliance Certificate Application (Form 6) - PDF file (external)

Compliance Schedule Amendment (Form 11) - PDF file (153.2 KB)

Earthquake Prone Building | Time Extension Application - PDF file (655.5 KB)

Exempt Building Work Application - PDF file (26.3 KB)

Exempt Building Work Record - PDF file (487.6 KB)

National Environmental Standard Assessment (HAIL) - PDF file (210.6 KB)

Owner-Builder Declaration (Form 2B) - PDF file (external)

Owner-Builder Notice (Form 2C) - PDF file (external)

Record of Building Work (Form 6A) - PDF file (external)

Third Party Application - PDF file (520.1 KB)

Trade LBP Notification - PDF file (45.9 KB)


Disinterment Instruction - PDF file (658.1 KB)

Exclusive Right of Burial Application & Agreement - PDF file (193.7 KB)

Interment Instruction & Warrant - PDF file (188.7 KB)

Monumental or Lawn Conversion Work Application - PDF file (454.1 KB)

Community Funding

Creative Communities Scheme Application - PDF file (372.0 KB)

Creative Communities Scheme Application - DOCX file (169.5 KB)

Creative Communities Scheme Guide - PDF file (52.3 KB)

Hook Bequest Application - PDF file (266.2 KB)

Robert Dickson Education Trust Application - PDF file (259.7 KB)

Compliance & Health

Activity or Event on Council Land/Roads Application - PDF file (690.8 KB)

Amusement Device Permit Application - PDF file (263.2 KB)

Camping Ground Regulations Exemption - PDF file (727.8 KB)

Food Business Registration - PDF file (261.3 KB)

Food Business Registration | Multi-Site - PDF file (564.8 KB)

Premises Registration - PDF file (267.4 KB)

Street User Application - PDF file (157.0 KB)


Certificate of Compliance Application - PDF file (87.8 KB)

Development Contributions | Objection - PDF file (554.8 KB)

Development Contributions | Request for Reconsideration - PDF file (596.9 KB)

Further Submission (Form 6) - PDF file (93.5 KB)

National Environmental Standard Assessment (HAIL) - PDF file (210.6 KB)

Permitted Boundary Activity Application (Form 9A) - PDF file (347.7 KB)

Pre-Application Meeting Request - PDF file (110.2 KB)

Relocated Building Pre-Inspection Report - PDF file (985.2 KB)

Resource Consent Application (Form 9) - PDF file (342.2 KB)

Resource Consent Application | Fast Track (Form 9) - PDF file (342.4 KB)

Stop Road Application - PDF file (61.7 KB)

Submission (Form 13) - PDF file (127.7 KB)

Submission on a Plan Change (Form 5) - PDF file (128.6 KB)

Submission on a Publicly Notified Designation (Form 21) - PDF file (70.4 KB)

Written Approval | Affected Person (Form 8A) - PDF file (622.7 KB)

Written Approval | Permitted Boundary Activity (Form 8B) - PDF file (537.3 KB)


Rates Direct Debit Authority - PDF file (195.0 KB)

Rates Rebate Application - PDF file (external)

Rates Remission | Additional Unoccupied Dwellings - PDF file (607.2 KB)

Rates Remission | Properties Farmed as One - PDF file (834.3 KB)

Rates Remission | Small Dwellings - PDF file (616.2 KB)

Roads & Footpaths

Corridor Access Request | Contractors / Event Organisers - PDF file (185.4 KB)

Corridor Access Request | Utility Operators - PDF file (526.3 KB)

Dairy Livestock Crossing Application - PDF file (690.1 KB)

No Spray Zone Application - PDF file (542.1 KB)

Stock Underpass Funding Application - PDF file (430.7 KB)

Traffic Management Plan | Full - PDF file (248.5 KB)

Traffic Management Plan | Short - PDF file (210.8 KB)

Vehicle Crossing Application - PDF file (195.9 KB)

Vehicle Crossing Plans | Commercial / Industrial - PDF file (128.1 KB)

Vehicle Crossing Plans | Heavy Duty (2+ Properties) - PDF file (107.2 KB)

Vehicle Crossing Plans | Plate Crossing - PDF file (184.4 KB)

Vehicle Crossing Plans | Rural Heavy Vehicle - PDF file (293.3 KB)

Vehicle Crossing Plans | Standard Concrete (Residential) - PDF file (113.1 KB)

Vehicle Crossing Plans | Standard Rural (Residential) - PDF file (284.5 KB)


Himatangi Sewer Connection Application - PDF file (315.6 KB)

New Services Connections Brochure - PDF file (666.6 KB)

Ohakea Rural Water Connection Application - PDF file (122.7 KB)

Rural Water Connection Application - PDF file (121.5 KB)

Trade Waste Discharge Application | Food Premises - PDF file (260.3 KB)

Trade Waste Discharge Application | Industries - PDF file (295.1 KB)

Urban Service Connection Application - PDF file (142.1 KB)

Water Billing Direct Debit Authority - PDF file (114.0 KB)

Water Filling Point Application - PDF file (64.7 KB)