Housing Fees & Charges

Housing fees are GST exempt.

Note: Subject to Council’s policy that this activity is required to be self-funding, tenants will be charged rental not exceeding 33% of NZ National Superannuation

A minimum period of 12 months will be applied between rental increases for existing tenants.

 UnitFee ($)
Eketāhunaper week190.00
Pahiatuaper week190.00
Ruahine Flatsper week190.00
Centennial Flatsper week190.00
One bedroomper week190.00
Two bedroomper week290.00
Tenant contribution (two bedroom)per week100.00
Casual rental
Casual rentals will be considered on a case-by-case basis, and charged at the presiding market rental rate.
Rentalper week15.00
It is Council’s practice to charge an additional amount for the carport (in some instances discretion will be applied).
Extra Service
Attending to lockouts and replacing lost keysper eventactual cost
Supply & install scooter shedsper shedactual cost
Tenancy transfersper tenancy160.00