Alcohol Licensing

Determining a premises' cost/risk rating

Premises' cost/risk rating is determined by a combination of factors.

The table below shows how premises' cost/risk rating are determined. For example, a bottle store (scores 15) closing at 11pm (scores 3) with two enforcements in the last 18 months (scores 20) would have an overall cost/risk rating of 38.

Licence typeType of premisesWeighting
On-licenceClass 1 restaurant, night club, tavern, adult premises15
Class 2 restaurant, hotel, function centre10
Class 3 restaurant, other5
BYO restaurant, theatres, cinemas, winery cellar doors2
Off-licenceSupermarket, grocery store, bottle store15
Hotel, tavern10
Class 1, 2 or 3 club, remote sale premises, other5
Winery cellar doors2
Club licenceClass 1 club10
Class 2 club5
Class 3 club2
Licence typeLatest trading hour allowed by licenceWeighting
On-licence or club licence2:00am or earlier0
Between 2:01am and 3:00am3
Any time after 3:00am5
Off-licence (excl. remote sales premises)10:00pm or earlier0
Any time after 10:00pm3
Remote sales premisesNot applicable0
Licence typeNumber of enforcement holdings in last 18 monthsWeighting
All licence typesNone0
2 or more20


Class 1 restaurants – restaurants with a significant separate bar area which, in the opinion of the relevant TA, operate that bar at least 1 night a week in the nature of a tavern, such as serving alcohol without meals to tables situated in the bar area.

Class 2 restaurants – restaurants that have a separate bar (which may include a small bar area) but which, in the opinion of the relevant TA, do not operate that area in the nature of tavern at any time.

Class 3 restaurants – restaurants that only serve alcohol to the table and do not have a separate bar area.

Class 1 clubs – clubs which, in the opinion of the TA, are large clubs (with 1,000 or more members of purchase age) and which, in the opinion of the relevant TA, operate in the nature of a tavern (for example a large working men's club, combined clubs, or large 'cossie' clubs).

Class 2 clubs – clubs which do not fit class 1 or class 3 definitions (for example larger sports clubs, medium sized RSAs, many provincial social clubs).

Class 3 clubs - clubs which, in the opinion of the TA, are small clubs (with fewer than 250 members of purchase age) and which operate a bar for 40 hours or less per week (for example small sports clubs like bowling clubs, golf clubs, bridge clubs, and small RSAs).

Enforcement – has the same meaning as a “Holding” under section 288 of the Act, or a previous offence for which a holding may have been issued if the offence had occurred before 18 December 2013.

Fees and Charges

Gambling venue consent fees and charges are charged under the Gambling Act 2003, and Racing Act 2003.
Gambling consent advice
Application advice no charge
Application for venue or gaming machine consent 500.50
Alcohol licensing
Alcohol licensing fees are determined by statute and can be found in the Sale and Supply of Alcohol (Fees) Regulations 2013. Alcohol infringements are determined by statute and can be found in the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Regulations 2013.
On, Off, and Club Premises
Application fee
Very low risk category (cost/risk rating of 0 to 2) 368.00
Low risk category (cost/risk rating of 3 to 5) 609.50
Medium risk category (cost/risk rating of 6 to 15) 816.50
High risk category (cost/risk rating of 16 to 25) 1,023.50
Very high risk category (cost/risk rating of 26 and above) 1,207.50
Annual fee
Very low risk category 161.00
Low risk category 391.00
Medium risk category 632.50
High risk category 1,035.00
Very high risk category 1,437.50
Manager’s certificate 316.25
Temporary authority 296.70
Temporary licence 296.70
Extract of register (ARLA or District Licensing Committee) 57.50
Permanent club charter (annual fee due on 30 June each year and paid to ARLA) 632.50
Special Licence
Class 3 - one or two events that are of a small size * 63.25
Class 2 - three to 12 events that are of a small size OR one to three events that are of a medium size ** 207.00
Class 1 - all other special licences, including licences for events that are of a large size *** 575.00
* Small event - e.g. wedding, private event, art show, and or up to 99 people. One or two events covered by the licence that are of a “small size”.
** Medium event - e.g. public event where tickets are sold or an entry fee is required, and/or up to 299 people. For three to 12 events covered by the licence that are of a “small size”, or one to three events that are of a “medium size”.
*** Large event - e.g. public event where tickets are sold or an entry fee is required, and/or up over 300 people.
Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act infringements statutory fee