School Holiday Programmes

Manawatū Community Hub Libraries is so much more then a traditional library. With daily programming, bookable spaces, and a café on site it’s the perfect place to explore, create and connect. Here are a few of the things on offer this January:

Monday 6th Tuesday 7th Wednesday 8th Thursday 9th Friday 10th
9:45am - 10am
   9:45am - 10am
Jump Jam
10am - 10:20am
Ages 4-7
10:30am - 11am
Ages 8-12
10am - 11:30am
Craft - Box Monsters
10am - 11:30am
Craft - Stingrays
10am - 11:30am
Craft - Sun Catchers
10am - 1pm
Play Trailer
  10am - 12pm
Makerspace - Design heat transfer vinyl decals
Ages 10+, Cost $10/person
(Bookings essential)
2pm - 4pm
Movie Mondays
2pm - 4pm
Virtual Reality
(Bookings essential)
2pm - 4pm
Virtual Reality
(Bookings essential)
Monday 13th Tuesday 14th Wednesday 15th Thursday 16th Friday 17th
10am - 11am
Makerspace: Drop in session
Custom dog tags with emboss stamping. Ages 10+
9:45am - 10am
   9:45am - 10am
10am - 11:30am
Craft - Helicopters
10am - 11:30am
Craft - Hedgehogs
10am - 11:30am
Craft - Puffy fish
10am - 11:30am
Craft - Waterbottle Rockets
2pm - 4pm
Movie Mondays
  2pm - 4pm
Virtual Reality
(Bookings essential)
Monday 20th Tuesday 21st Wednesday 22nd Thursday 23rd Friday 24th

Te Ahuru Mōwai Closed
9:45am - 10am
10am - 11:30am
Craft - Costume making with paper
9:45am - 10am
10am - 11:30am
Craft - Paper People
10am - 12pm
Makerspace - Design your own sublimated drink bottle
Ages 10+, Cost $15/person
(Bookings essential)
10am - 11:30am
Craft - Decorate Cupcakes
2pm - 4pm
Virtual Reality
(Bookings essential)
2pm - 4pm
Virtual Reality
(Bookings essential)
2pm - 4pm
Basketball in Partnership with Sport Manawatū

NOTE: Children under the age of 8 must be actively supervised and in view of a responsible caregiver (aged 16 years or older).