Earthquake-Prone Buildings

The national system for managing earthquake-prone buildings in New Zealand came into effect on 1 July 2017. The system affects owners of earthquake-prone buildings, territorial authorities (local councils), engineers, other building professionals and building users.

You can learn more about the system on the website.

Seismic Assessment Requests: the next step for potentially earthquake-prone buildings

Owners of potentially earthquake-prone commercial and multi-unit residential buildings in the Tararua District will be requested by Tararua District Council to have seismic assessments of their building undertaken, and to provide Council with the assessment reports.

This is a required step in the Council’s implementation of the “new system” for identifying and remediating earthquake-prone buildings, i.e the Building (Earthquake-prone Buildings) Amendment Act 2016.

Letters have been sent to owners of potentially earthquake-prone buildings.

The Government has passed the Building (Earthquake-prone Building Deadlines and Other Matters) Amendment Act that extends earthquake-prone building remediation deadlines by 4 years. Territorial authorities are required to promptly re-issue earthquake-prone building notices to these buildings and to update the register of earthquake-prone buildings (the EPB Register).

Buildings that have an earthquake-prone building (EPB) notice with a deadline on or after 2 April 2024 will have a 4-year extension to their notice expiry. There will be an option for the Government to extend up to a further 2 years. This is to allow owners of earthquake-prone buildings additional time to remediate their buildings whilst the review takes place.

The extension does not apply to any EPB notices with an expiry on or prior to 1 April 2024. Council will continue to follow up with owners of buildings with expired EPB notices.

Learn more

There are plenty of resources available to help you learn more about the Building (Earthquake-prone Buildings) Amendment Act 2016:




  • Recording of 2020 information session:

Contact us

We would encourage you (and your neighbouring owners if the building shares any structural elements) to contact Council’s Building Officers for more information on the next steps and the options available - including how to contact a suitably qualified engineer:

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