Glen Oroua Hall

Glen Oroua hall was built in 1905 and then purchased by local residents in 1920. At this point it received extensive modifications and updates funded by locals. The location of this hall is 523 Milner Road.


The floor area of Glen Oroua Hall is 363 square metres and can accommodate a maximum capacity of 150 people. The venue consists of the main hall with stage, supper room, kitchen, and female and male toilets. Disabled access is not available at this location.

There is a small sealed area out the front for car parking, as well as wide grass verges stretching down the road.

Want To Book This Hall?


Christine Finnigan (Chair)
Phone: 027 230 5032

Phil Lightbourne (Secretary)
Phone: 06 329 7857

Joycelyn McTavish (Bookings)
Phone: 027 678 1700

Raewyn Persson (Treasurer)
Phone: 021 173 7331


523 Milner Road, Glen Oroua - Google Map