Young Achievers Awards

Applications open from Monday 27 May 2024 and close on Friday 05 July 2024 at 5:00 pm.

The Manawatū District Council and Youth Council is again proud to host this year’s Manawatū District Young Achievers Awards. The Youth Council team will be presiding over the Awards Ceremony, to be held at the Civic Centre on Monday 23 September 2024.

The ceremony acknowledges students and youth in the Manawatū District that have contributed positively to their community and demonstrated exceptional leadership amongst their peers.

We invite you to nominate youth who achieve on many levels, and who contribute positively to their school and/or wider community. Your school or community group is welcome to make nominations in one or more of these categories, however a student may only be nominated by you once per year.

  • High Schools: up to 7 nominees per category
  • Primary or Intermediate Schools: up to 3 nominees per category
  • Community - Iwi - Sports - Religious Groups: up to 3 nominees per category

There are two age categories per award; 5-12 years and 13+ years.

To make nominations please fill out the following form with a brief citation (up to 60 words) highlighting each of the nominees outstanding contribution. You may nominate several students in the same category but will need to complete a separate nomination form for each category.

Please ensure your photo attached is clear, with a plain background.