Anneke has lived in Kimbolton and owned Hansens for two and a half years, but it does beg the question after 18 years of living in New Zealand, when are you considered a local?
No Knead to Book is the newest café which will open its doors inside the Manawatū Community Hub Libraries this July. Read more to find who owns the new café and how they support the young adults in our community.
3D printing is publicly available to use in the Feilding Library and staff encourage the public to come in, try it out, and learn about the printers. What can be printed is really how far your imagination can stretch.
Elected Members were treated to a tour of Te Āhuru Mōwai, the facility which will house the Manawatū Community Hub Libraries. The building is set to open with regular operating hours on Monday 22 July.
Thanks to Allan Muntz and his years of research, dedication and fact checking now the known veterans buried within Manawatū District Council cemeteries have a record which includes their photo and history from birth to marriage.
Check out what Council Services and Facilities will be available over Anzac Day.