LGOIMA Request Details

Date Received:17/04/2024
Date Responded:18/04/2024
Requested Information:Seeking Council view on Māori Wards and the Governments intentions to reverse the Local Electoral (Māori Wards and Māori Constituencies) Amendment Act 2021

The information you have requested is below.

1) How does your council feel about the Government's announcement?  

The ManawatÅ« District Council has not formally discussed the Local Government (Electoral Legislation and Māori Wards and Constituencies) Amendment Bill.  

2) What has your council done/is your council planning to do next in regards to the announcement?  

The ManawatÅ« District Council has not formally discussed the Local Government (Electoral Legislation and Māori Wards and Constituencies) Amendment Bill.   

3) Why did your council decide to establish a Māori ward in the first place?  

Please refer to the Council meeting minutes of 20 May 2021, available at this link: Manawatu District Council Agendas & Minutes | ManawatÅ« District Council (mdc.govt.nz)  

4) What kind of impact has Māori ward representation had on your council/what kind of impact do you envisage Māori ward representation would have on council?  

Officers are unable to provide an answer to either part of this question. This question may be better directed to the ManawatÅ« District Council Mayor (helen.worboys@mdc.govt.nz).   

5) How do you think your constituents would vote in a local referendum on Māori wards?  

Officers are unable to provide an answer to this question. 
