LGOIMA Request Details

Date Received:03/04/2024
Date Responded:18/04/2024
Requested Information:Application and associated AEE for the subdivision SB11453 at 110 Port St East

I refer to your official information request dated 03 April 2024.
Here is a link to the information you have requested -  LG_2256_Documents_for_release.zip

As discussed by phone, this link includes the applications for Subdivision and Land Use Consent, along with the property file.  The Subdivision and Land Use consent were made on one form so the documents are all in one folder. 
Also, as discussed, the building consent will not be released until a decision has been made on the application.  I will send that to you once a decision has been made.  I cannot give you a time frame on this. 
Regarding your question about why you were requested to use the LGOIMA pathway – as you were requesting the whole file, staff wanted to make sure that they were meeting the requirements of the Privacy Act and that this was an appropriate way to ensure that.
