LGOIMA Request Details

Date Received:11/03/2024
Date Responded:15/03/2024
Requested Information:Information about Council’s strategy and progress towards reducing Council fleet emissions.
We currently have two hybrids and one PHEV in our fleet. With our next round of general pool replacements vehicles in the next few years we hope to increase our hybrids in our general fleet.  
Council recently conducted a GHG emissions inventory on Council operations and the report identified other sources of council activities that generate higher emissions. We are in the process of developing a comprehensive strategy aimed at significantly reducing emissions from our Council operations.  
While specific initiatives to address emissions reduction particularly, in our council fleet is not the immediate focus of the developing environmental strategy, sustainability and environmental stewardship are key priorities for us. 
While we work our way through tackling our highest emissions sources, we are committed to setting ambitious targets and timelines to ensure measurable progress towards our emissions reduction goals. This will include transitioning the rest of our fleet to low-emission vehicles and optimizing fleet utilization. 
