Systems for Public Access
Contacting the Council and Elected Members
Contact information for the Council, the Mayor, Councillors and Community Board members can be found on the Council Contacts page of this website.
Public Attendance at Meetings
All meetings of the Council, its Committees and the Community Boards are open to the public, and we welcome the attendance of people at these meetings as observers.
If you are not able to attend in person, there is the option of watching a livestream of our meeting via our Council's YouTube channel. Audio visual recordings of our meetings are also published to our website for those that are not available at the time of the meeting to attend or watch the livestream.
The agendas, minutes and audio visual recordings of our meetings are published here: Agendas, Minutes & Meeting Videos | Tararua District Council
Processes are outlined below for anyone wishing to speak at one of our meetings.
Speaking at Meetings
If you would like to participate in the public forum at the beginning of Council, Committee and Community Board meetings, please email us via at least a week before the meeting, and provide the following information:
Your name, and the name of your organisation if you are speaking on behalf of an organisation;
Confirmation of the topic/s you wish to address.
If attending in person is not an option for you, you can provide a written speech to be read verbatim by a member at the meeting. This will need to be provided via email to
In certain circumstances, there may also be the option to attend virtually via a Teams Link, if the meeting is being held in the Council Chambers.
For any members of the public considering participating in public forum, please read the full requirements that are contained within the Council's Standing Orders.
Presenting at Meetings
You may present a powerpoint presentation and/or provide supporting information for a presentation to a meeting. This information will be circulated to members prior to the meeting.
Please provide any presentations or supporting information via email to by midday on the day prior to the meeting.
Please note that for security reasons we are not able to plug a flashdrive / USB drive into Council equipment. However presenters may be able to present from their own laptop via the Council's presentation equipment if it is not possible to send the documentation via email. Note however a copy of any documentation provided at a Council, Committee or Community Board meeting must be supplied to the meeting secretary in order to satisfy the requirements of the Public Records Act 2005, and Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987.