Resource Consent Planning

The Manawatu District Council's planning team ensures that development of the natural and built environment is undertaken in a sustainable manner by managing compliance with the Manawatu District Plan through:

  • Resource Consents
  • Assessing Building Consents for compliance with the District Plan.

A resource consent is the approval of a local authority - in this case, the Manawatu District Council to undertake an activity that is not a permitted activity and may not occur “as of right” under the Resource Management Act 1991 or the various formal plans governing the use of natural and physical resources in the Manawatu.

The information in this section explains Councils obligations under the RMA for the issuing of resource consents, how to apply for them and Councils process for considering them. It is not intended as a substitute for the RMA.

When do I need a resource consent?

When you want to build or use your land in a way that does not comply with the rules or is not specified as a permitted activity in the District Plan, you will need to get special permission from Council. A resource consent is the permission the Council gives you to use a resource or carry out an activity.

You will firstly need to know the zoning of the property in which your development or use is to occur. By using the search function, input the property address or legal description/valuation number and you will be told what the zone is for that property - and if it is subject to any proposed changes currently being considered by the Council.

When you know what zone your property is within you can check the online District Plan to see whether there are conditions you need to comply with, or whether you need to obtain a resource consent.

You will need a resource consent:

  • If you are subdividing your property
  • If you do not comply with any conditions listed under the permitted activity rules of the District Plan
  • Or if your activity is listed as Controlled, Restricted Discretionary, Discretionary or Non-Complying in the District Plan.
  • If your activity is not specifically listed in the District Plan it is highly likely you will need a resource consent.

If you have any questions, a Duty Planner is available at Front of House at these times:

  • Monday from 8:00am until 12:00pm
  • Wednesday from 9:00am until 12:00pm
  • Thursday from 8:00am until 12:00pm

They can be contacted by phoning 06 323 0000 or via email

If you don’t need a resource consent you may want to apply for a Certificate of Compliance (PDF file, 87.8 KB). This is a legal document that Council issues certifying that you comply with all the relevant rules of the District Plan. This can be handy for insurance purposes or financing.