Roading & Traffic Controls
Council already has the ability to regulate, restrict or prohibit road use to keep our roads and residents safe. In this amended bylaw, we also propose to include the following provisions to enhance our ability to protect our roading network.
- The ability for Council to close or restrict the access of vehicles to our district’s beaches as required. For example, Council may temporarily close vehicle access to a beach if there are significant health and safety risks being experienced at that time.
- The ability for Council to stop the planting of trees or vegetation in the road reserve (this is generally the grassy area between the pavement and the road) which may later lead to road safety issues e.g. tree roots breaking through the road seal or bushes blocking clear view of the road ahead
- We require any mud, silage or excrement (from stock movements) to be cleared from the road as soon as possible. Leaving these materials on the road can lead to the road surface becoming slippery which poses possible risks to other vehicles. If these aren’t cleared up safely and within a reasonable timeframe then Council can seek to recoup the costs associated with clearing, cleaning or repairing the road from the person responsible
- The ability for Council to specify special vehicle lanes, such as cycle or bus lanes