Community Response & Recovery Plans

Community Activated Emergency Centre (CAEC) Guide

This guide is to be reviewed and utilised in conjunction with the Community Response and Recovery Plan that relates to the impacted community. The CAEC guide can be used in any emergency event to assist the community to establish an Emergency Centre when they cannot contact outside assistance or if they have been directed to by MDC’s Emergency Operation Centre (EOC) Welfare Team.

The Guide also outlines how the community can coordinate their own welfare response using community members and how to provide a safe place for members of the community to support one another.

Community Response & Recovery Plans

Currently 16 villages within the Manawatū District have Community Response and Recovery Plans. These plans include information on what action to take in an emergency, top hazards within that community, household checklists, how to stay connected after an emergency and much, much more. If you live in one of these villages, check out the plan, print one off and get prepared.