Asset Management Plans

Asset Management is important to the Council for a number of reasons. First, many of the services delivered by the Council rely on assets to support their delivery. Secondly, assets represent a significant investment by the Community that needs to be protected. Thirdly, asset failure can have both social and economic effects on the community.

The objective of Asset Management is:

“To meet a required level of service in the most cost effective way (through the creation, operation, maintenance, renewal and disposal of assets) to provide for existing and future customers.”

The Asset Management Plan (AMP) is the tool for combining management, financial, engineering and technical practices to ensure that the level of service required by customers is provided at the lowest long-term cost to the community. The plan is intended to demonstrate that Council is managing the assets responsibly and that customers will be regularly consulted over the price/quality trade-offs resulting from alternative levels of service.

2024 Asset Management Plans

The Asset Management Plans linked below were adopted by Manawatū District Council on 20 June 2024: