Manawatū District Young Achievers Honoured at Awards Ceremony

Over 100 rangatahi (young people) have been recognised for their mahi and outstanding contribution to their communities at the annual Manawatū Young Achievers Awards on Monday 18th September.

The event, which saw 12 winners across six categories, is run by Manawatū District Youth Council and celebrated 105 rangatahi aged 5 - 18 who were nominated for the awards at the Feilding Civic Centre.

In previous years, nominations for the Awards have come only through schools. However, this year nominations were open from sports clubs, multicultural groups, churches, Iwi, marae, youth organisations, performing arts groups, and recreational clubs.
Manawatū District Council Mayor Helen Worboys said that she was delighted with the volume of nominations for rangatahi that have contributed positively to the community.

“These young people have demonstrated exceptional leadership amongst their peers. From budding entrepreneurs, promoting diversity and inclusion, volunteering at their schools and in their communities, to being environmental warriors - it’s wonderful to hear that these young people are making a difference every day."

The theme of this year’s awards was Kia Kaha, or overcoming adversity, highlighted by guest speaker 'Limb-it-less' Shaz (Sharon) Dagg, New Zealand's first elite para-triathlete.

Manawatū District Council's Liaison Councillor for the Youth Council Lara Blackmore said "Leaders emerge and are recognised because of their efforts. The award recipients, and indeed all of those who were nominated, can be immensely proud of themselves and their achievements. Their stories are both heartwarming and inspiring. Inā te mahi, he rangatira!"

The Manawatū Young Achievers Awards 2023:

Te Tohu Auaha - Innovation Award Sponsored by The Rotary Club of Feilding Oroua
* Winner 5-12 age group - Penny Cassells-Hair
* Winner 13+ age group - Jesse Devonshire

Te Tohu Taiao - Commitment to the Environment Award Sponsored by PGG Wrightson
* Winner 5-12 age group - Claire Bow-Key
* Winner 13+ age group - Cassie Buick

Te Tohu Raukura - Inclusion Award Sponsored by Evolve Fitness
* Winner 5-12 age group - Joseph Ward
* Winner 13+ age group - Cheyenne Naera

Te Tohu Tūao - Volunteer Award Sponsored by The Rotary Club of Feilding Oroua
* Winner 5-12 age group - Asha Crews
* Winner 13+ age group - Liv Robinson

Te Tohu Manukura - Leadership Award Sponsored by AgriHQ
* Winner 5-12 age group - Eli Stachwell
* Winner 13+ age group - Quitara Naera

Te Tohu Iho Pūmanawa Whakamana Tangata (for recognition of outstanding contribution to their whānau, community, church, school, or peers). Sponsored by Joe McMenamin
* Winner 5-12 age group - Hannah Young
* Winner 13+ age group - Drew Bishop