Diversity and Unity: MDC Celebrates 74 new Citizens in 2024

Over the course of 2024, Manawatū District Council has had the pleasure of welcoming 74 residents to accept their New Zealand citizenship.

The ceremony is held within the Council Chambers and is a formal ceremony that not only completes the process but unites our community.

The citizenship ceremony marks the final step in the often long process, where immigrants who have completed their journey through the New Zealand immigration system recite the oath or affirmation and officially receive their final paperwork. The event is hosted by Mayor Worboys and attended by Elected Members, feature a special performance from Te Roopu Waiata, with family members and friends joining to celebrate.

A very touching piece to the ceremony is when new citizens share their journey to New Zealand.  The last ceremony for the year was held on 5 December with 25 recipients honoured.

Over 2024, 74 citizens were welcomed from Australia, Brazil, Croatia, England, Fiji, Finland, Germany, India, Kenya, Namibia, Netherlands, Philippines, Russia, Samoa, South Africa, Scotland, United Kingdom, Viet Nam and Wales.